“Prayer of Hope”
Multimedia Art (oil painting, music, video)
Abstract Collab for “Kīpuni Aloha no Maui: Embrace Beloved Maui,” a statewide, day-long vigil organized by Rediscovering Hawai‘i’s Soul, an initiative by the Hawai‘i Executive Collaborative on September 1, 2023 centered around emotional and spiritual healing that is rooted in Native Hawaiian practices with leaders from diverse faiths. https://www.hawaiisoul.org/maui/
“Love for Maui”
Multimedia Art (oil painting, music, video)
Abstract Collab for the Inaugural Hana Hou Music Festival at the Hawai‘i Theater on September 8 & 9, 2023. The music festival was refocused toward raising funds to help our Maui neighbors recover and rebuild. All profits from the two day event, along with profits from the sales of the prints of “Love For Maui” were directed to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation and it’s Maui Strong Fund.